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Nouvelles lois canadiennes de 2022 qui pourraient avoir une incidence sur vous
Avec tant de choses qui se passent en ce moment, même des nouvelles importantes peuvent se perdre, et cela inclut certaines lois canadiennes récentes ou proposées qui peuvent vous toucher directement. Il s’agit notamment d’un nouveau « droit de se déconnecter »...

How to Find a Home Renovation Contractor
Preparing for spring renovations? There is nothing like a pandemic lockdown to notice every single thing that could be improved in your house. Suddenly the tiles seem wonky, there’s not enough workspace (or kitchen space) and none of the cupboards close...

7 Tips for Dealing with Holiday Debt
It’s debt time of year. We can help. The holidays are over. And in a difficult uncertain year for many, Christmas and New Year’s provided some much-needed time to relax with friends and family—virtually or not. For some, the emotional and physical confinement...

Is it Better to Lease or Buy a Car Right Now?
As you may have noticed, there are all kinds of shortages in Canada right now. This is due to a multitude of reasons, including chaos in global shipping, a shortage of computer chips, a lack of workers (amplified by COVID-19) and a big increase in demand. This...